What is Nutrition Coaching?

A personalized nutrition program designed to cultivate a positive relationship with food, empower healthier choices, and develop sustainable habits.

Our expert coach uses a comprehensive approach, considering physical and mental well-being in addition to nutrition to help clients achieve optimal health and vitality. Meeting with a Nutrition Coach identifies areas in your wellness and nutrition that need change or reinforcement and helps you find the keys to thrive and feel confident in your body.



What You’ll Be Getting:

  • Goals made into manageable & actionable steps

  • Access to your nutrition coach outside of sessions.

  • Strategies, tools, & inspiration

  • Education as to why we are making these changes

  • Accountability & support to ensure you see the changes you want

  • Encouragement & direction to keep you motivated A holistic approach

Why do I need Nutrition Coaching if I’m doing Nutrition Response Testing?

Nutrition coaching establishes an optimal foundation nutritionally to further increase the effectiveness of our NRT services. Our clients that focus on nutrition while doing an NRT program are usually on less supplements and get quicker results. You can’t out supplement a poor diet!



Meet McKenna

McKenna is a certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner. Her passion is to help her clients reach their health goals and ultimately gain a lifetime of tools for their long term wellness.

As a young woman, McKenna found healing in holistic health after a debilitating struggle with disordered eating. Her experiences fuel her passion to help others achieve a healthy and enjoyable relationship with nutrition. With this strong connection to holistic health, McKenna seeks to educate and partner with her clients, helping them understand their personal nutritional needs.

Focusing on nutrition, emotional wellness, and lifestyle changes, McKenna guides each client to find their own optimal healing from the inside out!